Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Garden Planning ~ 2014

This past growing season I took the year off.  Plans were to finish several other things outside, which never did really end up happening... not to my satisfaction that is.  And while I could take another summer or two off to finish those other tasks, I really, really missed having fresh veggies and fruits.

So for mostly my own benefit of starting a record somewhere, here's my massive to-do list for the upcoming growing season:  (side note:  we're moving the entire location of the garden from the side "pasture" to an area with less snakes, rocks, weeds, and it's almost 100 feet closer to a water source.  Hopefully this is a win-win)

  • Move the compost bins, and get them filled.
  • Write-up an official "What we're planting" chart.  Being in a new location, and not quite knowing yet what's lurking beneath the surface, and how exactly things will do, I have to force myself to keep things a bit simple.  Although we do consume a large amount of veggies every year, as does the animal herd.
  • Order seeds.  Maybe.  Just a few.  I could go crazy with those catalogs.  I have to remind myself that nothing on the new site has been dug up, and we have no plow or machinery.  
  • Re-build my seed shelves.  My make shift on a budget seed starting shelves were converted into Etsy business shelves during the year off.
  • Tools and Supplies.  I have none.  My last shovel broke digging up a boulder.  ;)
  • Re-work the garden journal.  My garden journal is just a cheap binder with lots of page protectors where I stash my drawings of garden designs, plans, and write when I plant things, and store other various notes.
  • Research fencing options.  Our budget has yet to be able to include a proper fence.  Between the chickens, the deer, turkeys, and other stray animals that wander into my garden, things tend to get eaten before we can enjoy them.  I'd love a traditional looking, wooden, log fence.  I'm sure that's not practical.  Nor cost effective.  But neither is having the chickens eat all your tomatoes.
  • And last but not least for now, making that official garden plan.  What we're planting, where we're planting it, and when.  
Have you started your garden planning?  What's on your list?


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