Tuesday, August 12, 2014

~The Pickle Post, Part 1~

When it was decided that we would be planting a garden this year, I somehow decided to use up all of the old seed packets that had been laying around for years.  "Just in case".  As in, "Just in case, the kids decide gardening isn't in the works."  Or, "Just in case, this spot doesn't work out."  

Seeds went in here and there, all willy-nilly, and by the seat of your pants.  Thrill gardening if you must.  Because I was running out of time, and the rain wouldn't stop coming.

Then one day, the lowly cucumber plants, that I already had to replant twice, for whatever reason, had taken over the ENTIRE garden.  No joke.

And I don't like cucumbers.

"I know!"  I exclaimed to my armful of cucumbers, "I'll make pickles!"  I'm all brilliant like that.  So off I rushed to my handy dandy canning book... and oh my gosh there's sooooo many kinds, and they are all so different, and I have soooo many cucumbers, and my grandmother's voice came out of my mouth, "I can't waste all of this food!"

In the next brilliant moment I decided that I would make all of the pickles.  So we'll be able to test each one, and decide which one we love the most... for next year of course, because by the time the pickles are ready, I'm sure all of the plants will be dead.  Heck, we might even decide we hate them all, in which I'll laugh, and then cry.  ;)  

Now sitting on my shelf we have:
Some of the recipes said to let the pickles sit for a month, others said overnight.  I'm going to be fair and let them all sit for 4 weeks, and then we're going to start popping those seals!  After a "professional" taste test (one done by the kids of course), we'll give you our final reviews.  

Until then I'm going to enjoy my house not smelling like pickles for now.  ;)

Do you have a favorite pickle recipe?

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  1. Those pickles remind me of the ones grandma made, yummy!
