Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book Review ~ Dead House

I grew up in the beginner days of R.L. Stine.  Back when Stephan King movies were popping out like weeds in a garden.  My grade school friends and I would one up each other's scary reads... You read Carrie?  Well I read IT!  Take that!  So I might have a thing for mysteries, and a wee bit of horror.

But I'm funny about my horror movies and or books.  Keep it clean please.  I like a good thriller, but I HATE demonic things.  HATE, like with a big old capital H.  Make me think for one second that you're summoning some evil spirit, and I'm out of there.  And this book straddled my delicate fence perfectly.

It goes a little like this...
One girl, 2 souls.  One is your average teen, living in the sunlight, happy, friendly, pretty dang normal.  Soul #2 is her polar opposite.  Lives in the night.  Smokes, drinks, parties... the bad apple.  Both live in the same body... but the wonderful docs swear only one of them is really real...  

And then we get twisty.  Which soul is the real soul?  Or are both real?  And what happens when only one soul takes over?  And what about, just what if there's something else out there, something a wee bit darker playing the cards for both souls?  

So the cover jacket says this is the Author's first published piece... And I'm amazed.  It's a fun read, written as notes from a police file. There's pictures, and illustrations, but still remains grown up enough.  Could I put it down?  Sure.  Did I have guesses on the ending, a wee bit.  Did I want to finish it sooner than later, YES.  Best book ever, No.  But I liked it, and I think anyone who loves something new, and fresh, with a bit of mystery, and emotional turmoil will like it too.  

I need a rating system here.  I give it 4 out of 5... ummm, goats?  It was another one of those books where everything was going so strong, and well written, but the ending seemed to flat line for me.  I wanted more.  But none the less I still loved it, and The book was promptly added to my shelf to read again later.

So go, go get it, and support a new author who I'm sure we'll be hearing from a lot more in the future!

~~  Please note, I was not paid in any means for this fantastic review.  I grabbed the book from a table at a bookstore and took a chance.  (apparently some folks get paid to do reviews, I'm not one of the,... yet.  But the IRS makes me disclose all of this.  Because you know, they read my blog.  :)   )


Read any good books lately?

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