If you've browsed through my shop you might have noticed a growing collection of Baltic Amber Bracelets, and you might be wondering what's the deal?
Baltic Amber comes from the Baltic Sea, a petrified resin from ancient trees. Much like the amber we all learned about on Jurassic Park. Except you're not going to be finding huge globs of it, nor are you likely to find any insects or insect parts trapped inside.
What you will find are multiple shades, of beautifully, and carefully, hand drilled amber beads. Each unique, with different shades, and patterns, and a uniqueness you can't find in reproduced amber, or look alike plastic creations. What you will get, is even more amazing. Real Baltic Amber releases a natural acid when it's gently warmed (like from the warmth of being worn on our skin), that is said to naturally imitate the same healing properties of an ibuprofen! The acid is so gentle, yet it's said to reduce swelling, and provide pain relief.
Now granted, I'm not a Doctor, so no piece of jewelry should EVER be used in place of actual medical treatment or qualified advice. So go see the Doc first and always play it safe!! But my customers have sworn that they have noticed a difference!
My Amber is the real deal, and I've wrecked a few beads to make sure! :) Real amber is a static monster, and you'll see dust attracted to pieces that have been laying around. Large quantities smell a bit like your Christmas Tree, and remain much warmer to the touch compared to other gemstones and beads.
I carry Ambers of 2 different shapes. Small nuggets (around 4-5mm), or in chips. Normally I keep in stock 3 different shades including Honey Amber, Lemon Amber, and Cherry Amber.
There's a few samples always ready to go in the shop, but I love creating custom orders! I have leather in all sorts of color, vintage brown, pink, green, blue, black and more! And My button selection is constantly growing and changing!
To see my entire ready to purchase collection visit me at http://www.whitegoatranch.etsy.com from there you can choose something I've already designed, or use the contact link to start your own special custom order!

Disclosure: I may receive monetary compensation, or products for my endorsements, recommendations, testimonials, links and ads to any products and or services listed in this blog. This helps support my homesteading and crafting habits, and is a huge blessing! Thank you for your support!
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