There's one sure fire way to make a book a best-seller. Ban it. Ban it, then have numerous articles floating around the webs, and then people like me, who aren't up on the newest reads, who never would've stumbled across the book ever, then HAVE to buy the book, immediately.
True story.
So I read an article about this book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and how parents were having it banned from a School Library, and how a group of teens started buying the books to give out, and there were cops involved, and free books, and angry parents. Apparently the book was riddled with colorful subjects that parents weren't ready for their kids to read.
The book is really about a boy growing up on an Indian reservation, life as a teen, and throwing in the twist of going to school outside of the reservation. Through candid words, and cartoons (the main character, Junior, was an aspiring artist), the writer takes you through illness, addictions, bullies, death, friendship, poverty, racism, life in a reservation, love, and life in general.
So is the book ban worthy? Let's put it this way, I would not want my 8 year-old son to pick it up. For now. In a year or two, or three, heck yes. The writing was wonderfully done, the story was captivating, moving, and should be read... just not by immature children. There's talk of serious addiction, deaths, masturbation, but these are real life things that every child will have to face, and the way this book faces these issues is perfect. So let's not ban it, but let's put it on the shelf away from the elementary kids... if you're asking me.
And no one's asking me if I think they should ban the book, but you may asking me if it's worth your time to pick it up. And yes, yes you should read this book. Especially in the age of poor writing and prose dominating the book store shelves. And hey, every adult should be able to indulge in a book with cartoons every once in awhile. ;)
Have you read any good books lately? Did you pick up, "True Diary"? What did you think?
ps. I bought this book with my own cash, and was not paid in any way for my review or my opinions.
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