Friday, January 24, 2014

~January Tangles and a Dilema~

It's been stupid cold here.  Freezing cold.  Cold enough that you celebrate the temps hitting 30, then you get sick the next day when it hits 60, then you cry the next day when it only hits 2.  Missouri weather is famous for these crazy temps, and it's the beginning of our Tornado season... but this freezing thing isn't our style.  And the weeks of record low temps is cramping my style... literally.  My fingers and wrist are cracking louder than my needles clanking together, so I've had to try and slow down a bit, before my hands fall off.  But I can't sit still... and I can't go outside... thank goodness for Tangles.

Some days I keep them simple and quick.  More often than not, I start things over fifty times.  I have more concepts, and scribbled on pages than finished works.

The one above is by far my favorite... so far.  Even with the mistakes I can point out without looking for them.  ;)  

And then there's this one.  Which, don't get me wrong, I like, but something about it I hate, and so I haven't finished it.  And that's just fine with me.

So then I have another issue with all this doodling, and tangles, and such... it feels rather unproductive.  I'm one of those who can't sit down and watch tv, because it's not being productive.  I must be cooking, or baking, or knitting, or crocheting, or sewing.... something.  And while I love to draw, it's not exactly paying the bills, or building a fence, if you know what I mean.  I'm playing with a few ideas in my head to change that.  I'm not sure if I can form my style into a marketable product made for someone else, but there has to be someway to turn this hobby into something a wee bit more productive.  We shall see...

What have you been working on this month?  (Besides trying to stay warm?)



  1. I am a huge fan of all your creative outlets! Your drawings are wonderful and full of talent. I'm sure you can find something creative to do with them for some income.
