Tuesday, May 6, 2014

~April in the Garden~

I have this little plan in my head to do a wrap-up at the end of each month.  Maybe week by week photographs of the garden in progress.  Even if it still only looks like this:

Which I do suppose is actually a lot of progress compared to past years, where I'd still be digging out rocks, and making compost heaps, and constantly burning out snakes.  There's just not quite the progress that I would like to see.  I'd like to see a fence there.  And hay, and mulch, and my compost bins moved...  but at least there's these:

Things are growing.  And thank you God for radishes that pop up in the blink of an eye and make you think there's hope after all.  And thank you even more for the super seeds I have that survived 2 years of storage, in a ziploc bag, under my desk.  That's a garden on a budget for you.  Nope we don't have any tomatoes, but I do have this odd mix of loofa seeds from three years back we can plant.  ;p

And heck, if it all fails, at least there's one little girl, who refuses to leave the ponytail in her hair, who has had a dang good time in her mud holes.  You know, for the whole five minutes I can get her to sit down.  And she's only there to see if the berries (that we have yet to plant) have grown.

So there's some hope in that there dirt.  And the memories are already sprouting up.

And spiders.  They're popping up too.  Everywhere.  Still better than snakes or snow.

How's your garden growing?



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