Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Martha Cave is MOVING!

I'm excited.  Honestly.  Our basement is almost 100% empty.  The cobwebs gone, the floors ready for a deep clean, shelves being assembled.... And do you know what that all means???


Currently all my crafting/gardening/writing/dog training goods and I are stuffed into my tiny laundry room that sits just inside my even more awkward kitchen.  Get the clothes off balanced during spin cycle, and you might just get skeins of yarn flying at your head.  It doesn't work.

Although the basement isn't finished, it's finished just enough that there's a working bathroom, and a small room with a lock.  And do you know what that means?!  A locked room all to myself!  Which means no one else should ever be going in there, which means I can splash pink all over the walls and floors, and girly it up in any style my little hearts desires.  Have I mentioned how excited I am?

Another bonus... Having the laundry room back to a laundry room.  I can't wait.

All the toys will be ushered into the basement as well, minus a few here and there that have earned their spot as necessary upstairs.  Also in the works will be a small art table for the kids in my "studio".  They'll have a place to safely paint, draw, glue... all that messy stuff I've been avoiding to allow among my pergo upstairs.  Mommy not home, and you conned Daddy into letting you paint unsupervised... tough, it's in the locked room of Mommy Awesomeness.  ;p  

I simply cannot wait.  

But there are a few hang ups.  We have to switch interweb providers.  Or something.  Or I'll be plugging, and unplugging the laptop, and hauling it up and down stairs all day.  And as it stands right now, I have no furniture for downstairs, there's bad lighting, few outlets... there's still a ton of work to be done down there.  Otherwise my Martha Cave will truly be a Cave.  ;(  But it's happening folks, and in the nick of time, I seriously have outgrown my mini Martha Cave.

Stay tuned for updates on building a Martha Cave out of nothing, lol!

How about you?  Where do you work?


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